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The item is delivered successfully
BrowseNumber:8616;ReleaseDate:2013-07-21 14:52:23

It refers to the case when the tracking information on official website about shipping carrier shows that the order has been successfully delivered to the destination.
Suggested solutions:

Case 1: The information about our shipping cost completely matches the shipping information agreed by both of us, and the information about the successful delivery matches with those as follows:

•Countries, cities, postal codes, time and signees match.

•Countries, cities, postal codes and time match but no signee is found on the official website of the shipping carrier.

•Countries, cities, postal codes and time match but signees do not match.

•Countries, cities, time and signees match but postal codes do not match

For any of the situations mentioned above, we are sorry we are unable to take such case.

Case 2: The information about our shipping cost completely matches the shipping information agreed by both of us, but the information about the successful delivery does not match with those as follows:

•Countries and time match, but cities and postal codes do not match and no signee is found on the official website of the shipping carrier.

•Time matches but countries, cities, postal codes and signees do not match. For any of the situations mentioned above, we should refund the full payment to the buyer.

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